Priofile of the company

Name:Clifton JMIS Reinsurance Brokers Inc.
Established Year:October 2018
Registered Place :Federated States of Micronesia
Capital     : US$50,000.00
President:Takaharu Itakura
Advisor  :Katsuhiko Morikawa
Director  :Yoshiaki Nishikata 

Career of President

AIU Ins. Company(16 Yrs)Underwriter of overseas risks
A&A(AON)(2 Yrs)Promotion of Captive Business
Nichido F&M (7 Yrs)Manager of P&C UW Dept.
                                             Head of Casualty Section
Gerling Japan Branch ( HDI Global SE) (15 Yrs)
                                             Deputy Country Manager
Starr Indemnity (15 mos)Chief Underwriter


Licensed Captive Insurance Manager in FSM: No.19-01
Insurance Broker Approved No. 160021
Insurance Solicitor ID 3018236515
Solicitor of SASTI  Approved No. 19-06-0324
Assistant Examiner of Privacy Mark PMS-C 02109
Japan Interpreter Association  2nd grade interpreter



Head Office  :VB Center Suite 2A, Pohn Umpomp Place
                            Nett Municipality, Pohnpei State, FSM 96941
Japan Branch:565-6 Iwase, Kamakura, Kanagawa, 247 0051 Japan
E-mail            :
Phone             : +81-(0)90-2478-5566